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How Google Glass Could Change Advertising | Mashable

It's 2015 and you've just arrived back in New York City from a weekend trip. You're standing in Times Square when it occurs to you that you're hungry. So, literally in the blink of an eye, you call up information about all the nearby restaurants. You realize, however, that you could also use some companionship so you say "friends nearby restaurants." Just then you see that a pal of yours has checked in to Fannelli Cafe in SoHo. You quickly text him and arrange to meet. When you call up directions, you get an offer for $2 off your first Guinness. All thanks to Google Glass.
No, that's not an officially sanctioned use for Google's ambitious pair of Internet-connected spectacles. In fact, Google has stressed repeatedly that there will be no ads on Google Glass. "There are no plans for advertising on this device," says a Google rep. "We’re more interested in making the hardware available."
But ad execs can dream. Those who make their living via augmented reality have even more vivid dreams. For them, Google Glass isn't some weird 20% project, it's the future of advertising. "Stop thinking of [augmented reality] as a business. It's a browser," says John Havens, founder of the H(app)athon Project. "If this was 1992 and I told you there was something called a web browser that was going to change advertising, would you believe me? Yet that's what happened."
That may not be just wishful thinking. If Google Glass and its imitators take off, it could literally change the way we see the world and the way we interact with brands. Just as the Internet completely overhauled marketing over the past 20 years or so, so can the "Outernet." In the process we'll move a step away from the arms-length relationship we consumers have had with brands and a step closer to a consumer-brand mind meld.
Is this possible? Those who are bullish on Google Glass point to the revved up adoption rates of new technologies. As Flurry Analytics reported last August, smartphones have taken off 10 times faster than the 80s PC revolution, two times faster than the 90s Internet boom and three times faster than the social networking revolution. "If we go back look at how fast things are adopting lately compared to 10 to 15 years ago, we're looking at [mass adoption in] 2015 or 2016," says Andrew Couch, CEO of Candy Lab, an AR provider.
Before we explore the fever dreams of AR ad execs though, a few caveats: One is that the idea of everyone in the late 2010s walking around with Sergey Brin's favorite piece of eyewear seems a little unrealistic. Who, beyond hardcore techies, would want to sport such a look? And even if Google Glass inevitably becomes indistinguishable from regular glasses, who would want to go through life surveying the world like the Terminator? Another is that Google hasn't given out much information about Google Glass. The company plans to launch an API for the device at some point and Google is looking to include phone functions, email and calendar features, but that's about it.
For argument's sake, however, let's assume that Google Glass does take off and that it has everything advertisers are looking for. Now that the Outernet has really become a thing, how will we be carrying out our lives? How will brands inevitably colonize this new frontier? Here are a few potential scenarios:
Coupon Offers
The idea of using Google Glass to scout nearby friends for an impromptu lunch date isn't fantastical at all. In fact, the technology already exists. Last June, Facebook released a "Find Friends Nearby" feature that it quickly took down because of copyright concerns. That may not be the only reason, though. Another issue with the feature is that it could also be a tool for stalking.
But Couch says Google can get around such privacy concerns if people opt in like they do with Foursquare check-ins. And one motivation to opt in would be discounts. Imagine, for instance, if you get a third meal free if you bring two friends. As the Guinness example shows, such offers can be triggered by a search for directions. The result would be something of an ideal scenario for advertisers — getting in front of a consumer just as they're ready to buy your product or a rival product.
Personalized Ads
In their current incarnation, billboards are a blunt instrument. An ad for a female-skewing product like makeup will alienate about 50% of the population. An ad in a high-traffic area like an airport is likely to be aimed at a broad group of people who fit under the heading of "business traveler" even though you don't fit that description.
But what if the ads you saw were different than the person next to you? What if, like the ads you see online, they are based on a composite sketch of you created by all the searches you've done and the websites you've visited? In other words, what if you looked up and instead of seeing an ad for something you would never buy — like women's shoes — you saw an ad reminding you of that Amazon search you did a few days ago?
Dave Elchoness, co-founder and CEO of Tagwhat, takes the idea further: "You can even monetize vertical," he says. "You'd see something different if you look up at a 45-degree angle than you would if you look straight up." (As Havens has previously pointed out, there's currently no restriction on such "virtual air rights;" two or more brands can occupy the same space, though what you'll see depends on who you are and what technology you're using.)
Elchoness acknowledges that these kind of literally in-your-face ads may not appeal to everyone. "With the current approach, you can sort of ignore a banner ad," he says. Another obstacle is that behavioral data. Apple's iOS doesn't allow for tracking of third-party cookies, meaning that an advertiser can't follow your path on the web. Google allows for third-party tracking, but the technology is new and advertisers are still just figuring it out. Still, consumers might decide that they don't mind being tracked if they're served up more relevant ads. On the other hand, they might find the whole thing creepy.
Where does this leave traditional billboards? Likely they'd remain as they are for some time, just as newspapers coexist with the web. However, over time, they'd become less relevant and effective. After all, you don't need a physical billboard to project the AR ads that Elchoness refers to.
Game-ification of Everyday Life
It's one thing to play Mario Bros., but what about living it? "What if you were Mario?" asks Couch. In this scenario, you might be walking down the street when you get an invitation to open a box or grab a medallion. Doing either allows you to earn points in a game to, say, get a free coffee at the Seattle's Best coffee shop, which happens to be just a few feet away.
As far-fetched as this may seem, Cachetown, a unit of Candy Lab, is already offering such games. However, with those you have to use your smartphone or tablet. The video below outlines how such programs work. Though it takes creative license at one point and lets the girl see the objects without a phone, tablet or Google Glass, Couch says that with Google Glass it would be pretty much the same. "Take the tablet out of that girl's hand and have [Google Glass] on her face. How much more fun would that be?"

مقدمه عن التسويق الرقمي

ما هو التسويق عبر الإنترنت او التسويق الرقمي؟

كتبه ملاذ المدني

لطالما كنت أجد صعوبة بالغة في الإجابة عن هذا السؤال بطريقة شاملة و مختصرة, حتى وقع نظري مؤخراً على هذه المعلومات المصورة التي تجسد فحوى التسويق عبر الإنترنت أو التسويق الإلكتروني بكل جوانبه على شكل شجرة…! و الحقيقة أن السبب الرئيسي الذي دعاني لكتابة هذه المقالة الطويلة هو ملاحظتي بأن معظم الناس ترى بأن التسويق عبر الإنترنت يتوقف على استخدام فيسبوك و الإعلانات على المواقع و تحسين محركات البحث…الخ … نعم أتفق مع هؤلاء الناس و لكن الى حد معين… فالحقيقة أن ما ذكر هو عبارة عن قنوات التسويق الإلكتروني أو الأغصان كما في هذه الصورة و لا يمثل مفهوم التسويق الإلكتروني برمته…دعونا نتعرف على شجرة التسويق الإلكتروني في هذه المقالة التي نتمنى أن تنال اعجابكم

التسويق الالكتروني









Research  البحث
يمثل البحث الخطوة الأساسية لبداية أي مشروع ربحي سواء كان تقليدياً أو على الويب, و تبدأ هذه الخطوة بالتعرف على غاية الموقع أو المنتج …ما هي المشكلة التي يحلها الموقع أو المنتج للزبائن أو المستخدمين؟ ما هو هدف الموقع؟ ….صدقني إن الإجابة على هذه الأسئلة يمثل وضع حجر الأساس لبداية رحلة ناجحة لمشروعك التجاري على الويب.
يأتي فيما بعد دور التعمق في عملية البحث السوقي و الإجابة على العديد من التساؤلات… كوضع المنافسة بشكل عام و موصفات جمهور الزبائن … أين سوف يقف الموقع تجاه المواقع المنافسة؟… من هم جمهور المستهلكين أو المستخدمين؟ ما هي سلوكياتهم على الويب’ ما هي المواقع التي يرتادونها, ما هي أعمارهم,اهتماماتهم, أماكنهم, جنسياتهم؟ … الخ.

Strategy  الإستراتيجية

تضمن الإستراتيجية الواضحة تحقيق أهداف مشروعك التجاري و ذلك من خلال تقسيم السوق إلى قطع صغيرة بناء على نتائج البحث السوقي الذي ذكرناه و من ثم التركيز على استهداف القطع السوقية الواعدة أو الأكثر ميلاً لإستخدام او شراء منتجك.
1- ابدأ بتعريف الجوانب الفريدة التي تمّيز منتجك عن باقي المنتجات في السوق و التي تدفع زوار الموقع بالنهاية الى تحقيق الأهداف التي تبتغيها USPs Unique selling Point
2- فكر بميزات جديدة لا تتواجد لدى المنافسين يمكن اضافتها الى منتجك و بأقل التكاليف ( خدمات التوصيل المجانية, تغليف مميز, نكهات جديدة..الخ)
3- فكر بالطرق التي قد تزيد من تفاعل الزبائن مع منتجك ( مثال: خصم x% على كل صديق يتم احالته)

….الإستراتيجية الناجحة في التسويق عبر الإنترنت تقوم على ايجاد الحلول التي تهدف الى زيادة عدد مرات الـ Conversions أو تحول الزائر الى زبون و ذلك من خلال إظهار نقاط البيع الفريدة لموقعك USPs التي قمت بتعريفها.
Content  المحتوى
المحتوى هو الملك, لا أدري من قال هذه الجملة و لكنني سمعتها كثيراً…بكل الأحوال، المقصود بالمحتوى، الرسالة التي تودّ أو توصلها للزبائن و التي يجب ان تكون متناغمة مع الإستراتيجية التي قد توصلت اليها.
حاول ان تبرز نقاط البيع الفريدة لمنتجك و لكن في نفس الوقت لا تتحول الى رجل مبيعات !… حافظ على نسبة ”الـ 20: 80″ الشهيرة و التي تعني أن 80% من المحتوى يركزّ على المعلومة و على الحلول التي يقدمها المنتج والـ 20% المتبقية على الرسالة الترويجية.
  Branding  اشهارالعلامة التجارية 
و هي عملية دائمة الإستمرارية و لا تحدث في ليلة و ضحاها وهي نتيجة لجهود تسويقية ناجحة قد تستمر لسنوات و لكنها تؤدي بالنهاية الى ترسيخ معنى العلامة التجارية و شكل شعارها في أذهان المستهلكين.
الحقيقة أننا لا نستطيع الإكتفاء ببعض الكلمات لشرح معنى العلامة التجارية! لذا دعونا نكتفي بالإشارة الى الأساسيات كاختيار اسم و شعار جذاب يسهل تذكره من قبل الزبون, أيضا يجب أن تتضمن عملية اشهار العلامة التجارية التركيز على ربط الحاجة التي يسدها منتجك أو موقعك باسمك التجاري…


Development التطوير و التصميم Design :
الموقع هو جذع شجرة التسويق عبر الإنترنت و المكان الذي يتعرف الزبائن من خلاله على منتجك… فحال كل موقع يحمل غاية تجارية هو كحال أي محل تجاري, فكما الرفوف و الواجهة و الإضاءة و الأرضية …الخ جميعها عوامل تساهم في تسويق المحال التجارية فإن السرعة و التصميم الجيد و البوصلة السهلة هي أيضاً عوامل أساسية لأي موقع الكتروني ربحي.
سرعة تحميل الموقع و خلوه من الأخطاء من ناحية الأكواد المستخدمة مع وجود نظام سهل لإدارة المحتويات Content Management System قادر على التحكم بمعظم أجزاء الموقع بالإضافة الى التصميم الجذاب و سهولة التصفح ….جميعها عوامل مهمة تساعد على تحقيق الغاية الربحية … فبدون تحقق أي من هذه العوامل لا يوجد داعي أصلاً لصرف الأموال على قنوات التسويق الإلكتروني التي سوف نتكلم عنها.


و هي القنوات التسويقية للموقع و التي يتجلى دورها في جلب الزبائن الى المحل التجاري! و غالباً ما تحمل هذه القنوات في طياتها معنى العلامة التجارية و الجوانب المميزة للموقع أو المنتج للجمهور المستهدف, وتختلف أهمية استخدام هذه القنوات حسب نوع المنتج أو الموقع.
  Online advertisingالإعلان الرقمي
و هو مشابه جداً للإعلانات التقليدية و يقوم فيها المعلن بشراء مساحة اعلانية أو مرات ظهور
من موقع آخر و عادة ما يكون الموقع المُعلن فيه متعلق الى حد ما بالمنتج المراد تسويقه, و الغاية من هذه الإعلانات هو جلب الزوار و تحويل هؤلاء الزوار الى زبائن كنتيجة نهائية.
هناك أنواع عديدة من الإعلانات الرقمية, كالبرامج الإعلانية Affiliate Programmes, الراوبط النصية الإعلانية, و المدون الضيف…الخ

 Social Media الإعلام الإجتماعي
و يهدف التسويق عبر هذه القناة الى الوصول الى الجمهور المستهدف من خلال مواقع الشبكات الإجتماعية كالفيسبوك, تويتر جوجل بلس اليوتيوب…الخ, و يعتمد التسويق بواسطة الإعلام الإجتماعي على بناء مجموعات إجتماعية مهتمة بالعلامة التجارية و ذلك من خلال مخاطبة الجمهور المستهدف عن طريق مشاركة محتويات مثيرة للإهتمام كالمعلومات المصورة, تدوينات, فيديوهات, كتب الكترونية.

Search Engine Marketing  التسويق عبر محركات البحث

هناك نوعين من قنوات التسويق عبر محركات البحث, النوع المجاني SEO و الذي يهدف الى زيادة ظهور الموقع المراد تسويقه على صفحات نتائج محرك البحث SERPs و يعتمد هذا النوع من التسويق على فهم خوارزميات محرك البحث و انتاج محتويات ذات جودة عالية بشكل دائم و استجلاب روابط من مواقع أخرى و الإلتزام بإرشادات محركات البحث في هذا المجال و الكثير الكثير من العوامل الأخرى … بسبب تعقيدات هذا النوع من التسويق, تلجئ معظم الشركات الى توظيف خبير أو الإستعانة بشركات متخصصة في هذا المجال.
النوع الثاني من أنواع التسويق عبر محركات البحث هو النوع المدفوع و هو عبارة اعلان نصي يظهر أعلى صفحة نتائج البحث و على الجهة اليمنى (اذا كنت تستخدم جوجل العربي), و عادة مايدفع المعلن على كل نقرة على الإعلان في صفحة نتائج البحث.بمعنى آخر, يطلب المعلن من محرك البحث اظهار اعلانه عند بحث المستخدمين على كلمات مفتاحية معينة يختارها المعلن نفسه.

 Email Marketing التسويق عبر الإيميل

تعتمد هذه القناة التسويقة على ارسال نشرات بريدية أو محتويات اعلانية الى ايميلات الجمهور المستهدف. من المفضل أخلاقياً و مهنياً عند استخدام هذا النوع من التسويق الحصول عى موافقة مسبقة من الجمهور المستلم لهذه الإيميلات وتوفير طريقة سهلة لالغاء الاشتراك بهذه الخدمة..

   Public Relation العلاقات العامة

و عادة ما تعتمد الشركات الكبرى و الرائدة في مجال معين على هذا النوع من القنوات التسويقية و تقوم بنشر البيانات الصحفية في المواقع الإخبارية بالإضافة الى الإعتماد على وكالات العلاقات العامة الإلكترونية لنشر أخبارها.
أخيرا أود التكلم عن التحليل Analytics و أدوات التتبع كجوجل أناليتكس و سايت كاتاليست و غيرها و التي هي باعتقادي الشخصي أهم جانب في التسويق عبر الإنترنت… و التي من خلالها يستطيع المسّوق أن يحدد ثمار الأموال التي صرفت على الحملة الإعلانية ROI و بشكل دقيق جدا, بخلاف التسويق التقليدي و الذي يعتمد غالباً على مقارنة ايرادات المشروع التجاري قبل و بعد طرح الحملة الإعلانية و التي غالبا ما تفتقر الى الدقة.
بواسطة أدوات التتبع التي تقدمها الكثير من الشركات ( جوجل أناليتكس,سايت كاتاليست… الخ), يستطيع المّسوق الإلكتروني تحليل رد فعل المستهلك تجاه الإعلان و تتبع حركة المستهلك على الموقع و تتيع مصاريف الحملة الإعلانية و مقارنتها بالإيرادات يوم بيوم.
بهذا أكون انتهيت من تلخيص فحوى التسويق الإلكتروني… أعتذر منكم عن طول هذه المقالة و أتمنى ان تكونو قد استفدتم من المعلومات التي أوردتها, و حال كان لديكم أي سؤال, فأنا جاهز للإجابة من خلال التعليقات أدناه.

The Rise of the T-Shaped Agency Model

By Daniel Lemin 

Agency owners, take note: your traditional team structure – the one that divides your agency into “digital”, “account management” and “creative,” among others – may be restraining capacity to innovate and expand your client capabilities.
We work with a lot of agencies and have come to recognize the challenges that leaders are facing in today’s hyper-competitive market. There are smaller agencies that have specialized knowledge in one content area or social technology. There are larger agencies that have built labyrinthine digital teams with varying capabilities, making it hard to assess one agency’s true stripes over another. It’s mind-boggling how much has changed in the agency business in the last 5-10 years and we know how hard it is compete. There are no easy solutions to any of the business challenges and it can feel like you throw good money after bad by chasing new technologies as a service offering.

What is the T-Shaped Agency?

We have been talking this year about a concept – borrowed from the early years of digital agency business models – we call the T-Shaped Agency. This is a framework for agency owners and leaders to consider as they look to invest in staff education on new technologies, package that expertise into concise service offerings that clients will understand and don’t feel filled with hype and jargon, and – get this – actually deliver on the work in a profitable and consistent manner.

How Does the T-Shaped Agency Work?

T-Shaped Agency Architecture
tshaped1 1024x765 The Rise of the T Shaped Agency Model
The T-Shaped Agency concept is effective when there is recognition by agency owners that their traditional model of building, pricing and delivering a service to clients is misaligned with the need for rapid and articulate innovation in their client work. Let me build a metaphor for you to frame this concept.
Think of an agency as a software package, like Microsoft Office. Clients like to purchase an Office Suite; they know they will need word processing, spreadsheets, presentation software and possibly some other add-ons that make a packaged suite very enticing as a model. It’s fairly expensive to purchase all of this software and not every employee will want or need it, but it provides an easy solution for work productivity. Over time, the need for new features in that software changes and, slowly, the software manufacturer pushes out updates to the software which requires installation and deployment by IT teams and certainly does not put critical new features in the hands of employees quickly. It’s a slow model that does not evolve quickly.
Contrast that with newer open-source web-based software services like OpenOffice. These platforms – also available as a software suite, similar to Microsoft Office – provide immediate access to new features and fast deployment of updates without a lengthy installation process. Because it’s based on open-source software, it can take advantage of a community of knowledge – some of which may be very specialized – and new features can emerge rapidly that will be useful to a large number of its customers. This is similar to the T-Shaped Agency model that we’re describing here.
Agencies are filled with vast amounts of intelligence, and while employees may have line-item duties for specific skills – like creative, web development, account management – they may also have a knowledge of a specific technology that no other employee can match. Perhaps they are a weekend warrior on HTML5 development, or a passionate video producer looking for an outlet for their creative talents. The point is these skills exist within an agency and it’s difficult to put a description on them as a service offering; to say you have a video SEO product or a WordPress guru is a bit too specific for most agency engagements. But, clients crave those skills. So you have to adapt your ability to identify who those content experts are and allow them some lateral freedom to put their skills to use. Employees love it because they feel that they’re being valued for the unique insights they have about a specific topic. Clients love it because they feel the agency “gets it” and is able to deliver consistent innovative ideas and actually get them done. Of course, many scenarios will require an agency to look beyond its own walls for specific expertise, but having an internal champion of that technology, platform or concept will still be a valuable asset.

Deploying the T-Shaped Structure

How do you go about deploying this structure? It does not have to be a watershed moment. You can start informally surveying employees and asking them what areas interest them. For some, providing a small time or training allowance to bolster their existing knowledge of a topic will be a great incentive. For others, just the chance to show off their talent and contribute to the agency’s success is enough. You can expand the concept by crafting incentives for participation and, slowly, you’ll begin to see a natural evolution in how your teams are thinking about innovation for their clients. Clients will begin to notice too, and they’ll begin to see that your agency is evolving out of the Microsoft Office mindset and adapting an open approach to innovation.
Are you using the T-Shaped Agency structure in your business? || Top 100 Global Ad Agencies that know Digital Marketing

BrandRepublic BrandRepublic  Brand Republic – daily advertising, digital, social media, marketing and media news from the publisher of Campaign,, Marketing and PR Week
frog design frog design Global innovation firm that helps create and bring to market meaningful products, services, and experiences
Wingman Advertising Wingman Advertising  Wingman is a retail-focused advertising agency based in Southern California … making our clients rich and our mothers proud since 2003
4As 4As The official twitter account for the 4A’s, the American Association of Advertising Agencies. Providing Leadership, Community, Advocacy and Guidance
GSD&M GSD&M  GSD&M is a full-service advertising agency in Austin, TX
Pereira & O'<span class= Pereira & O’Dell  a young, award-winning San Francisco advertising agency
Hill Holliday Hill HollidaySelf-made, came-from-nothing advertising agency & we take nothing for granted
Albion London Albion London Digitally-led integrated advertising agency
mcgarrybowen uk mcgarrybowen uk  An advertising agency that believes clients deserve better
we are fallon we are fallon  Full service advertising agency headquartered in Minneapolis – Saint Paul
BigEye Creative BigEye Creative  A national marketing and advertising agency located in Orlando, FL. Offering brand, web, advertising and video for a range of clients
RKCR/Y&R Advertising RKCR/Y&R Advertising  Mornington Crescent’s premier integrated advertising agency. Pop in for a cup of tea. And an M&S biscuit
Bluefin Labs Bluefin Labs  #SocialTV analytics company connecting brand advertisers, agencies, and networks to real time audience insights on an unprecedented scale
Brian Solis Brian Solis
IQ Agency IQ Agency  IQ is an advertising agency with digital at our core. Our mission is the relentless application of Creative Intelligence to the growth of our client’s business
Wexley Wexley Advertising agency filled to the brim with incredibly creative, attractive, cut, buff, ridiculously gifted, yet humble and gorgeous people
Wieden+Kennedy Wieden+Kennedy  Original W+K rules: Don’t act big, no sharp stuff, follow directions, and shut up when someone is talking to you
Barkley Barkley  One of the top 10 independent advertising agencies in the U.S. Our daily goal: Add something good to the world
Euro RSCG London Euro RSCG London  News from heart of Euro RSCG London integrated advertising agency: PR, channel strategy, digital, search, social media & advertising all under one roof
Peralta Sao Paulo Peralta Sao Paulo  Full Service Integrated Advertising Agency. Clients: Pirelli, Kraft, Natura, PepsiCo, Bacardi, Vigor e Anhembi Morumbi
Ogilvy Danmark Ogilvy Danmark Advertising agency, curious about new media, new ideas and life in general
ClickEquations ClickEquations  The First Intelligent Paid Search Platform for Large Advertisers and Agencies
WDCW WDCW  Wong, Doody, Crandall, Wiener is an independent, full-service advertising agency with offices in Seattle + Los Angeles.
<span class= WPP  News, insights, research and much more from WPP marketing professionals across the world
Mediasmith, Inc. Mediasmith, Inc.  Official twitter feed for Mediasmith, a digital media advertising agency providing you with the latest in industry news and views
MGH MGH MGH is an advertising agency. A PR agency. An interactive agency. A social media marketing agency. But most of all, a fun agency. Based in Baltimore
ZOO. ZOO.  ZOO. is a digital advertising agency.
TAXI TAXI Named by TIME Magazine as one of Best Twitter Feeds of 2012. We talk about anything creative, innovative, and fun
4th Screen 4th Screen 4th Screen Advertising – The UK’s leading premium mobile advertising agency.
<span class= Austin and Williams  We’re an advertising agency with smart thinking & killer creative
EuroRSCG EuroRSCG  Creativity + Digital at the Core + Social Media + Social Responsibility + #1 agency by number of global accounts for five years running = Euro RSCG
David&Goliath David&Goliath  The truth is, no one ever became great without first being brave. David&Goliath is a creative advertising agency and we believe in being brave

PJA Advertising  A fully integrated B2B/B2C advertising + marketing agency with a strong focus on digital + social media, PJA creatively solves complex business challenges
Forsman & Bodenfors Forsman & Bodenfors  Swedish advertising agency. World’s 7th best agency, according to the Big Won
EBL Social <span class=Team” /> EBL Social Team We are E.B. Lane. A marketing and advertising agency with offices in Phoenix, Arizona and Denver, Colorado. Lets connect
DLKW Lowe DLKW Lowe  We are the advertising agency DLKW Lowe, and what we believe in is populist creativity that changes behaviour
Saatchi Brussels Saatchi Brussels  Advertising agency – Lovemarks company
jotabequ Grey jotabequ Grey  jotabequ Grey / Agencia de Publicidad /Advertising Agency / Comunicación

Vanksen agency Buzz + viral + 2.0 + digital + advertising agency assisting leading brands in NY, Paris, Geneva, Luxembourg & Asia. Check our blog :
C-Section C-Section Award-winning, full-service digital advertising agency based in Istanbul
Ogilvy Paris Ogilvy Paris  We are a circus of rockstars. Best European Advertising Agency of the Year 2009 & 2010
MRY MRY We are a new type of #SocialMedia agency that specializes in using creative, strategic and analytic intelligence to inspire and fuel advocacy among consumers
AdReady AdReady  We help small and medium-sized advertisers and agencies create, manage and optimize Display Campaigns. We offer precision campaigns with breakthrough results
Edelman Digital Edelman Digital The digital and social marketing arm of Edelman PR Worldwide. Tweets by Community Manager, @crooneys  Community, jobs, courses, news, and resources from and beyond. Please note that featured jobs posted to this feed are #paid
Walter Naeslund Walter Naeslund  Founder and CEO of the advertising agency Honesty. Blogger & professional speaker
Brando Brando  We’re a digital advertising agency in Dublin, Ireland pushing the boundaries in digital creative, web design and social media
Neiman Neiman  Your next advertising agency
PointRoll PointRoll  PointRoll, a Gannett company, helps advertisers, agencies & publishers create, deploy, measure, & optimize interactive digital channels & devices
Peter Mayer Peter Mayer  Peter Mayer is a full service advertising agency that’s passionate about delivering compelling communications with measurable results

agencyspy We keep the ad industry honest, by airing out their dirty secrets
Glyn Britton Glyn Britton  Strategy Director at the digital-led integrated advertising agency Albion London. Tall. Not as weird as I seem on Twitter (apparently)
Media Two Media Two  Advertising Agency in Raleigh North Carolina that specializes in media planning and buying. Interactive for 13 years! Tweets by CEO @MichaelWHubbard

The Branding Agency  The Branding Agency is a full service branding and advertising agency that specializes in keeping brands fresh through today’s newer media channels and design

Advertising Week  Advertising’s Social Playground. Amiable industry pros, newbies, students and misfits who fancy spinning groovy yarns. Advertising Week is 10/1 to 10/5. #awsc
Jeff Keni Pulver Jeff Keni Pulver  Technology Anthropologist; Entrepreneur; Early-Stage Seed Investor; story teller, Living in Social Media. Producer of #140conf
Wasserman + Partners Wasserman + Partners  We are Vancouver’s: silo-free, ego-free, creatively strategic, strategically creative, full-service and fully independent, advertising agency
Russ Lidstone Russ Lidstone  CEO of integrated advertising agency Euro RSCG London. Brixham born, Keele educated, West London resident
Vince Vassolo Vince Vassolo Advertising agency specializing in Boomer Marketing

Publicis Dublin Publicis Dublin Advertising agency
Garbergs Garbergs  A small advertising agency close to the North Pole trying to make a difference
MUSE Amsterdam MUSE Amsterdam The interactive advertising agency with digital heart and an analogue soul
TBWA\ Espa&ntilde;a TBWA\ España  Top 10 Global Advertising Agency. Creating Disruptive ideas for global clients through Media Arts. 274 offices, 100 countries ·
Steve Rubel Steve Rubel  EVP/Global Strategy and Insights for Edelman, media futurist, AdAge columnist and avid sports fan
TBG Digital TBG Digital TBG Digital is a Social Media specialist, helping global brands advertise & engage through Facebook and Twitter
W.Steinmann W.Steinmann Leading motive-based advertising agency creating innovative growth, efficiently. We touch motives for your brand
Rothco Rothco  Ideas that grow business. Advertising agency, Dublin
LatinWorks LatinWorks Advertising Agency in Austin that specializes in the Hispanic market
Palio Palio  Palio is an advertising agency revolutionizing pharmaceutical and healthcare marketing to create experiences that will Never Be Forgotten
StrawberryFrog StrawberryFrog  The world’s first Cultural Movement agency
Burt Burt Burt is the only analytics platform for online media that helps advertisers, agencies and publishers change how online media is made, measured and monetized
Wanda Digital Wanda Digital direct contact Wanda Digital Advertising Agency
The Branding Agency Ads of the World™ Advertising Archive & Community
mike parsons mike parsons  Hello. I’m the managing director of twofifteenmccann – an award winning strategic and creative advertising agency
Captains of Industry Captains of Industry  Boston strategic marketing and advertising agency with 25 years of experience in renewable energy, branding, viral marketing, video production, and web design
AdMonsters AdMonsters  Global community of online advertising leaders passionate about ad technology and operations. Follow us for news, event announcements, and exclusive discounts
Eventige Media Group Eventige Media Group  Eventige Media Group is a full service Marketing and Advertising agency specializing in Experiential, Event, and Social Media Marketing
ICAN ICAN  Ireland’s leading Online Advertising agency; specialising in Online Marketing, Web Design & Development, Social Media & Search Engine Marketing
BOLD WORLDWIDE BOLD WORLDWIDE  BOLD Worldwide™ Part Advertising Agency, Part Innovation Factory
Zehnder Zehnder We are a fully integrated advertising agency. With offices in Baton Rouge, New Orleans & Nashville
David Gamble David Gamble Founder and Creative Director of advertising agency Hometown London
Abstrakt Marketing Abstrakt Marketing  A full-service marketing & advertising agency that doesn’t stop at designing a creative strategy…We will take your leads and turn them into SALES!
Noise Digital Noise Digital Noise is full-service digital advertising agency with locations in Vancouver and Toronto
SheltonGrp SheltonGrp  An advertising agency where sustainable brands gain a market advantage
AREA203 Digital AREA203 Digital AREA203 is a digital advertising agency that connects consumers with answers. Moderators @CaseyMaeKnox @BillColrus. Visit our blog

Digital Agency 360i  @AdAge Agency A-List & Best Places to Work | @FastCompany World’s Most Innovative Companies
R/GA R/GA R/GA is a full-service digital agency that transforms the way people interact with brands. Tweets courtesy of @Chapinc
AdFreak AdFreak Because you like ads. Edited by @nudd
OneRiot OneRiot  OneRiot: socially targeted mobile advertising. For agencies, media buyers, ATDs and DSPs. 
Lee Clow's Beard Lee Clow’s Beard Musings on advertising and facial topiary. Usually daily. Often dandruff-free. Now in book form: 
Marc Fauconnier Marc Fauconnier  CEO Famous – Advertising Agency. Dreaming of an iron man, one day
Razorfish Razorfish  The highest ranked digital agency on AdAge’s Agency A-List in 2011
James Heaton James Heaton Full service, values driven marketing & advertising agency. We help you do better at doing good
Ogilvy & Mather Ogilvy & Mather  Official twitter feed of Ogilvy & Mather
The Concept Farm The Concept Farm #Advertising agency, production house and entertainment development group with complete digital marketing capabilities based in Chelsea, NYC
HMDG HMDG  A London based full service advertising agency. We believe in Transformational Creative Assets for brands. Why have an idea when we can create an asset?
Ian Schafer Ian Schafer  CEO of Deep Focus. I once interviewed Mr. T in my office. Still waiting for Darth Vader’s people to get back to me
Big Spaceship Big Spaceship  Big Spaceship’s twitter feed. We create connected experiences, products and platforms. Maintained by Founder & CEO Michael Lebowitz
Seth Godin Seth Godin Founder of, author, blogger. This is a retweet of my blog
Culturalfuel Blog Culturalfuel Blog Culturalfuel Blog by Leo Burnett
Digitas Digitas A top global integrated brand agency, with digital at the core
TRY/Apt Oslo TRY/Apt Oslo  (TRY/Apt) Norwegian Independent Advertising Agency, located in Oslo/Norway. Recent : The most awarded agency in Eurobest 2011

Agency Republic The digital marketing agency for a connected world. Five times digital agency of the year
Alex Bogusky Alex Bogusky  Co-founder of Crispin Porter + Bogusky. More recently I spend my time with, and the

evok ad agency  ad agency ceo / futurist / brand catalyst / emerging media specialist / social media advocate / tweets vary from my team’s insights to my own random thoughts
Ogilvy PR Ogilvy PR  News and views from Ogilvy PR, a global communications leader blending proven PR methodologies with cutting edge digital innovations
Doug Bowman Doug Bowman  Designer, thinker, speaker, creative director at Twitter. Previously at Google, Stopdesign, Wired, and Mentus
<span class= Scott Goodson Founder of StrawberryFrog, world’s first Cultural Movement agency. Author of UpRising Love helping others to learn Movement Marketing
edwardboches edwardboches  Chief Innovation Officer, Creative Director, Teacher, Explorer, Maker of Things, Believer in Sharing. Mullen and Boston University
Jason Fried Jason Fried  Founder of 37signals. Co-author of REWORK. Credo: It’s simple until you make it complicated

Red Square Agency  We make the stuff that makes brands famous. These tweets are written by pres/ecd Rich Sullivan. Hi Mom
Cannes Lions Cannes Lions The world’s biggest get-together of people interested in creative communications. This year’s Festival: 17-23 June 2012
IDEO IDEO  We are a global design consultancy. We create impact through design
Wieden + Kennedy Wieden + Kennedy we create strong and provocative relationships between good companies and their customers. (Tweets by MD Neil Christie)

Wunderman Advertising Age ranks Wunderman as the #1 digital and #1 CRM agency in the world
OGILVY OGILVY Ogilvy Staff Blog Aggregator. Views don’t reflect those of the company but the people within it
Campaign Campaign Latest news from Campaign magazine
Ogilvy Digital Ogilvy DigitalOfficial Twitter feed of Ogilvy’s North American Strategy Practice headquartered in New York. find me on rebelmouse
McCann McCannWe share the news + conversation for McCann Worldwide. Contact us here:

Sq1  Insights driven firm specializing in conversion optimization, search engine marketing (SEM/SEO), shopper marketing, mobile marketing and social media
BBH Labs BBH Labs  Marketing skunkworks | Innovation & new models for marketing & for creative businesses | Part of BBH | @melex @saneel @jeremyet @tim_nolan
iab iab  IAB is dedicated to the growth of the interactive advertising marketplace
D&AD D&AD  Celebrating, inspiring and nurturing creative excellence. For New Blood & Student Awards follow @DandAD_Talent
Bestads Bestads is the one global ad site showcasing the best advertising in the world – updated daily. It’s FREE to join
Huge Huge  Make something you love. ™
FWA FWA  The FWA Network showcases projects that excell creatively for desktop, mobile and offline, together with showcases for photography as well as video
MediaPost MediaPost  MediaPost Publications – Home of Media Daily News, Online Media Daily, Marketing Daily, and MEDIA and OMMA Magazines
AKQA AKQA where the work does the tweeting
Draftfcb Draftfcb The official global feed of Draftfcb – see new ads & get marketing news, trends & info that matters

The VIA Agency  It’s been called the Hogwarts of advertising and AdAge’s 2011 National Small Agency of the Year. Home is the historic Baxter Library in Portland, Maine features the world’s best agencies and creative work
BBH London BBH New York  obsessed with groundbreaking ideas and delivering results. when the world zigs, zag
DM9DDB DM9DDB DM9 a única agência brasileira 4 vezes Agency of the Year, 2 GP e mais de 100 leões em Cannes
BBH <span class= BBH London Creativity, Advertising, marketing, transformational ideas, fame and black sheep
dustin curtis dustin curtis Villain
Frank Adman Frank Adman  Ad man. San Francisco, 1963. Purveyor of Fresh, Stimulating Propaganda. Join me for a Twittertini. ☛ Shorty Award Winner: Best in Advertising
iMediaTweet iMediaTweet iMedia Communications is a trade publisher and event producer serving the interactive media and marketing industries
PSFK PSFK Your go-to source for new ideas and inspiration
Pete Cashmore Pete Cashmore  The largest independent website dedicated to news & resources for the connected generation. Tweets from @mashable staff. Send questions/comments to @mashablehq
Mekanism Mekanism  An award-winning full service creative agency, we sprinkle our love of storytelling across integrated advertising to inspire measurable brand loyalty
72andSunny 72andSunny  72andSunny is about making brands matter in culture. Clients include Activision, Carl’s Jr/Hardee’s, Samsung, Sonos, K-Swiss, Bugaboo, &..
BBDO Worldwide BBDO Worldwide The Work. The Work. The Work. 287 offices in 79 countries work day by day, client by client, to create the world’s most compelling commercial content

New York Internships is a site that lists New York jobs. Currently, lists jobs for professionals in marketing, advertising, sales, fashion, events, media, and PR
CP+B CP+B Tweets from the brains behind CP+B
David Armano David Armano  EVP @edelmandigital, strategist, thinker, doer, dad, hubby to @msarmano, contributor @harvardbiz, co-founder #Allhat, biker, karaoke junkie, & imperfect soul
The One Show The One Show  Helping you create by sharing creativity, innovation, and inspiration – keepers of the Creative Flame
glue Isobar glue Isobar  We’re a modern communications agency with digital in our hearts. We bring people and brands together, like never before. Curated by @FMBrook and @NaomiBM
Dare Dare Dare is a creative agency for a digital world with offices in London (^L), Bristol (^B), Vancouver (^V) & New York (^NY)

Kelsey Advertising  A ‘Small+Smart’ digital advertising firm with a talented group of brand developers, thought leaders and ‘results addicts.’ Tweets by @brant_kelsey
<span class= Rob Schwartz 4Global Creative President, TBWA\
Gareth Kay Gareth Kay  Chief Strategy Officer, Associate Partner at Goodby, Silverstein & Partners. Lucky to have Clare and Esme in my life. Unhealthily obsessed by music
The Barbarian Group The Barbarian Group  We are a digitally-centered creative agency and a full-service partner to our clients, providing everything from brand planning to creative to development

Made by Many We’re a digital product and service design company
Gartner Gartner is the leading global provider of independent and objective technology related research and advice
Publicis USA Publicis USA  Publicis Worldwide is the largest global network within Publicis Groupe with U.S. offices in NY, Seattle, San Francisco, Dallas, Boise & Indianapolis
TBWA\LONDON TBWA\LONDON The Disruption Agency – original growth ideas for brands. Words from Tom (^Tw), Dede (^D), Tom (^Te), Justin (^J) and Zaid (^Z)
Goodby Silverstein Goodby Silverstein  We are an award-winning ad agency, specializing in creative digital, print, broadcast & integrated media planning
<span class= Rethink Toronto & Vancouver based agency specializes in online, design and advertising
Luke Sullivan Luke Sullivan  Author of Hey Whipple, Squeeze This and THIRTY ROOMS TO HIDE IN, which releases in fall. Chair of Ad Dept at Savannah College of Art & Design.

Digiday Authority, insight and honesty on digital media and marketing.
<span class= Holly Hodges direct contact production in advertising TBWA\Chiat\Day
LBi LBi LBi is a global marketing and technology agency, blending insight, creativity and technical expertise to build business value
SapientNitro SapientNitro  World’s largest integrated marketing & technology firm. Strategists, creatives, techies, thinkers, dreamers. (Curated by @dlabar @jenli @rojom3)
JWT Worldwide JWT Worldwide  JWT is the world’s best-known marketing communications brand. JWT is a true global network with 200-plus offices in over 90 countries
DDB Paris DDB Paris Attending the 59th Cannes Lions Festival of Creativity. Follow the conferences and our reactions on this feed
Wolff Olins Wolff Olins  We are a brand and innovation firm for the future, ambitious for clients and optimistic for the world. These tweets share the diverse opinions of WO people
DeutschInc DeutschInc creative digital agency
<span class= Gary Vaynerchuk  Family 1st! but after that, Businessman- a dude that Loves the hustle, people & the @nyjets – @vaynermedia .Tasted wine for years online!
Interbrand Interbrand  The world’s leading brand management consultancy. Rigorous strategy & analysis meets the creative power of branding & design. Author of Best Global Brands
Wieden and Kennedy Wieden and Kennedy  An independent, creatively-led communications agency. We exist to create strong, provocative relationships between good companies and their customers
<span class= Wall Street Journal Breaking news and features from The Wall Street Journal. Tweets by @brianaguilar @rubinafillion @fieldproducer @demetria_g @elanazak and @lheron
Iain Tait Iain Tait Listener of music. Watcher of things. ECD at Google Creative Lab. Father of twins
Victors and Spoils Victors and Spoils We are Victors & Spoils ~ The World’s First Creative (ad) Agency Built on Crowdsourcing Principles
SID LEE SID LEE  We are a group of multidisciplinary creative thinkers working globally from our Amsterdam, Austin, Montreal, Paris and Toronto ateliers

kbs+p kirshenbaum bond senecal + partners | doing things that matter
Big <span class= Big Fuel  Big Fuel is a New York-based Social Media and Branded Content company that takes brands from Content To Commerce ©
mcgarrybowen mcgarrybowen  mcgarrybowen is a brand and communications agency that helps our clients solve their biggest problems.
<span class= Chad H. Pollitt Web Traffic Controller, Author of The Content Marketing Manifesto, Former Army Commander and Dir. of Marketing at @SlingshotSEO
Mother London Mother London  One person. Seven days. 140 characters
Post-Advertising Post-Advertising  Chronicles of storytelling, advertising, marketing and branding campaigns in the post-advertising age. Account managed by @Story_Jon and @ldringoli
Critical Mass Critical Mass  Digital Marketing Agency creating Extraordinary Experiences for world-class brands
odopod odopod  We’re Odopod, a Nurun company. We help brands make new friends
AlmapBBDO AlmapBBDO  Agência de publicidade mais premiada do mundo em 2010, 2005 e 2004
DDBCanada DDBCanada  Official agency tweets from DDB Canada, Canada’s most celebrated creative agency. Follow us for company news, job postings, industry trends and more
North Kingdom North Kingdom Twitter feed of digital creative agency North Kingdom
Ben Malbon Ben Malbon  Managing Director, Google Creative Lab | ♥ Internet
Leo Burnett Leo Burnett  The official Twitter account of Leo Burnett Worldwide
Fi Fi The official Twitter account of the global digital agency Fi“>direct contact
Mullen Mullen Advertising, social, media, digital, DR, PR, design, creative, video. Tweets edited by @dswaebe and occasionally @edwardboches
Radar DDB Radar DDB Hybrid agency resource specializing in social media and emerging platforms
DIGITALKITCHEN DIGITALKITCHEN  The Agency Evolved: At the crossroads of content and marketing..
VCCP Partnership VCCP Partnership  Integrated creative agency: where principles, people and passion result in populating culture
<span class= Publicis Groupe  Official Twitter account for Publicis Groupe, the world’s third largest communications group
Poke London Poke London We’re a creative company with digital in its heart
Eric Lee Eric Lee  FT Art Director. PT Job poster. Blogger. Founder\Creator of We Are Creative People. Ping pong master by early evening. Midnight dancer by midnight
modernista modernista  Modernista! is not for everyone. Is it for you?
BUZZMAN_TIME BUZZMAN_TIME  Creative agency. Groundbreaking ads: Tipp-Ex (Hunter shoots a Bear), Nokia (The Amazing Calls), Durex (Digital Love), BIC Flex, MTV, Virgin Radio & more..
Marcel Marcel a creative agency, lost somewhere on Les Champs-Elysées. brought to you by @cachecach & @loicchauveau
Landor Associates Landor Associates  Landor provides a full range of integrated brand consulting, creative, and design services to help our clients build and revitalize their brands
Anomaly Anomaly  Orbiting the business. Belief in the value of ideas. Diversely talented. Connected and collaborative. Without ego
Lars Bastholm Lars Bastholm Chief Creative Officer at Cheil USA. Ex-CCO at Ogilvy and AKQA, movie buff, scifi lover and foodie
ZenithOptimedia ZenithOptimedia  ZenithOptimedia is The ROI Agency, offering media services from 250 offices in 74 countries. We are also at
JWT <span class= JWT New York  JWT is the world’s best-known marketing communications brand. New York is the largest of JWT’s 200-plus offices
TribalDDB TribalDDB The tweetness of Tribe, digitally around the world
Struck Struck  A digital-forward creative agency making brands greater than
B-Reel B-Reel  B-Reel is a hybrid digital production company making web, mobile, film and game experiences
CreativeSocial CreativeSocial  Creative Social is a collective of the world’s top creative talent. Along with CS news, we cover advertising, digital and social media news and trends
NakedNY NakedNY  Naked Communications New York. We are communications consultants — uniquely objective
DDB Worldwide DDB Worldwide  Connecting people with people, not just people with brands. We call this Social Creativity
Organic Inc Organic Inc We create living marketing systems driven by insight and marketing intelligence across all platforms and channels
T3 (The <span class= T3 (The Think Tank) An integrated marketing agency that connects people and brands. We’re driven by a smarter way

Small Army Boston-based marketing and creative services agency with an entrepreneurial spirit and passion for interactive, social media, storytelling and good music
Matt Singley Matt Singley CEO of @singleymackie. Digital magic for Microsoft, AT&T, YP, Hasbro, Samsung & others. Father of 4. Triathlete. Boss. Afraid of spontaneous human combustion
JWT <span class= JWT London  An integrated creative agency of international imagination
Scholz and Friends Scholz and Friends  Hier twittert @markusmayr für Scholz and Friends
Weber Shandwick US Weber Shandwick US Weber Shandwick is a global PR firm. Our mission is to give clients what they need – a legion of believers, supporters and fans
Agence Vanksen Agence Vanksen  Buzz + viral + digital + publicité : l’agence Vanksen accompagne les grandes marques à l’international,… Visitez notre blog
TAXI TAXI  Doubt the Conventional, Create the Exceptional ~ words we live by. We develop smart ideas, creatively executed. 7 offices, 1 spirit. We are TAXI
WK12 WK12 An experiment disguised as a school disguised as an agency. The application process for next year’s class will begin in fall 2012
Profero Profero Hello, we are Profero. An independent digital agency, with a mix of inspired creative, media, technology and strategic talents
Fred & Farid Group Fred & Farid Group  Integrated communication group / Cannes Grand Prix 2009 winner / Check our digital agency @KidsLoveJetlag / CEO @FredFarid
Proximity Worldwide Proximity Worldwide  We are a digital, direct and CRM network with 67 offices around the world. Aligned with our friends at BBDO
Colle+McVoy Colle+McVoy  We modernize iconic brands by helping them recapture and reignite the momentum that made them great in the first place. We also tweet
Millward Brown Millward Brown  A leading global research agency specializing in advertising, marketing communications, media and brand equity research
Rubber Republic Rubber Republic Social awesomeness advertising. Churns spreadable media + conversations. Shares related gubbins. Runs the @ViralAdNetwork
The Richards Group The Richards Group  The largest independent integrated branding agency in the nation representing standard-setting brands

JWT Intelligence JWT Intelligence is a center for provocative thinking that is a part of JWT, the world’s best-known marketing communications brand
john winsor john winsor  CEO of Victors & Spoils and Chief Innovation Officer of Havas Worldwide
DOMANI DOMANI DS is a leading digital agency with offices in NYC. We are dedicated to creating authentic connections between consumers and brands
Adland Suit Adland Suit  I’m Dan, Partner at Creature London – you might know me as adlandsuit. Twitter for swearing and reality TV/sport, for grown-up shit
Digital Lab Digital Lab  Digital Lab is an education and innovation initiative delivering thought leadership for the new digital age. Brought to you by BBDO & Proximity Worldwide
Work at Play Work at Play We are a team of digital professionals dedicated to helping our customers grow their business online
Lean Mean Fighti ... Lean Mean Fighti … Digital agency on Twitter shocker
Ogilvy Digital Labs Ogilvy Digital Labs  We are the global digital innovation practice of Ogilvy & Mather
co: co: co: is a growth partner. We invent and re-invent brands and businesses
Mother <span class= Mother New York  Do great work. Have fun. Make a living
Tribal DDB London Tribal DDB London We are a full service digital marketing agency in London
Definition 6 Definition 6  Definition 6 is a Unified Marketing agency. We connect brands and people in motion

Advertising Agency  Decision Communications is a full service Advertising agency that encompasses Branding, Marketing and Design Services. Contact: +65 6325 2684/9431 5588
Neo@Ogilvy Neo@Ogilvy Official Twitter feed of Neo@Ogilvy. Global media agency and performance marketing network. We’re passionate about building brands and driving business results
The IPA The IPA  We’re the professional body for UK advertising, media & marcomms agencies. Also at, @IPA_Jobs, @IPALegal & @IPAScotland
Olson Olson  Olson is one of the top 10 independent, full-service brand connection agencies in North America. We believe Connection Is All That Counts
Isobar Isobar  We are a modern communications agency network operating in 34 markets worldwide. We bring people and brands together, like never before
ROKKAN ROKKAN We’re not your ordinary digital agency. [ c = client tweets ]
Hybrid Comms Hybrid Comms Connecting people, ideas and information . A marketing Studio
DDB <span class= DDB Chicago direct contact Enemies of the Ordinary. Account, Strategy, & Creative tweets from our fingers to your face. We only have two rules: 1) be talented and 2) be nice
Tocquigny Tocquigny  As one of the nation’s top interactive agencies, we provide breakthrough digital marketing solutions for companies who are eager to grow their brand
Frd & Frd Frd & Frd Personal Twitter Account / CEO @FredFaridGroup / Cannes Grand Prix 2009 Winner / Facebook Page / #Advertising #Digital #China
Amir Kassaei Amir Kassaei Born in Iran. Grew up in Austria. Studied in France. Lived in Germany. Working globally. Chief Creative Officer DDB Worldwide
JWTINSIDE JWTINSIDE  A full-service employee relationship marketing agency, offering a range of recruitment advertising, branding, strategy and internal communications
Seth Weisfeld Seth Weisfeld Creative Director working at HUGE in Brooklyn, NY. Its all about utilitainment™ and the ever approaching participacalypse™
Talent Zoo Talent Zoo  Neat stuff from & the Internets
Evolution Bureau Evolution Bureau EVB is a San Francisco-based digital marketing agency
RIESTER RIESTER  We are Brand Activists. Full-service agency specializing in advertising, digital, media planning, public relations, multicultural marketing & public affairs
booneoakley booneoakley Specializing in the art of disruption, we create bold ideas that ignite brands and engage consumers
adam&eve adam&eve  We are adam&eve, a young communications agency
afaqs! afaqs! Superlative media & advertising news. Fastest. Sample it @
CakeGroup CakeGroup  Ideas Incorporated. Speak to a human on +44 20 7307 3100. Like us at 
McKinney McKinney  Listen, Provoke, Love, Simplify, and Believe in 140 characters or less

Gragg Advertising  Gragg Advertising is a full-service direct response marketing and advertising agency; lead management, email marketing, search marketing online lead generation
BBDO MPLS BBDO MPLS  Official updates from the BBDO Proximity Minneapolis team. Sharing #thework, #culture and #inspiration
160over90 160over90 160over90 is a branding agency. A handsome branding agency.
Digitas <span class= Digitas Health  Digitas Health is the world’s largest, fastest-growing agency dedicated to helping clients transform healthcare marketing. Posts by @ericanardello & @greglewis
Your Majesty Your Majesty  Your Majesty – a creative agency. Curated by The Knights
Stinkdigital Stinkdigital  A creative company based in London & New York
Publicis London Publicis London  Creative agency tweeting the latest, greatest ideas from the advertising world
Matt McGowan Matt McGowan  NYer who works @incisive & enjoys @theeconomist @clickz @sewatch & @departuresmag. my brother @zach_mcgowan is on @sho_shameless & @b_star is my wife #lucky
darrell whitelaw darrell whitelaw  father of two boys, married to @sarahwhitelaw. slightly charming executive creative director @IPGLAB. views clearly my own
tim malbon tim malbon  Co-founder of Made by Many, a product innovation & service design company. Agilist. Strategist. Designer of social software. Dad
Ag&ecirc;nciaClick Isobar AgênciaClick Isobar  A maior e mais premiada agência de publicidade interativa do Brasil. | The largest and most awarded digital interactive agency in Brazil
Jam Jam We’re a new kind of agency for the social and mobile age. Curated by @dan_osburn
Forza Migliozzi Forza Migliozzi  advertising + brand content agency, dedicated to defying conventional methods to create, discover and implement new approaches to reaching the consumer
Digital Inspiration Digital Inspiration Goodby Silverstein & Partners 
Saatchi & Saatchi Saatchi & Saatchi  140 offices in 80 countries. The official Saatchi & Saatchi feed w/ posts from EMEA and across our network of new work, people and stuff we love
MediaMind MediaMind  MediaMind is a global provider of digital advertising solutions that optimize the use of media, creative and data for enhanced campaign performance
Rupal Parekh Rupal Parekh  agency editor at @adage
Porter Novelli Porter Novelli  Combining immersion + data we create a deeper human insight that transforms opinions, beliefs and behaviors of those who matter most to our clients
Drew Wehrle Drew Wehrle  All things Leo Burnett with additional curious & interesting phenomena of note