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Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.This theme is Bloggerized by Lasantha Bandara -

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Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.This theme is Bloggerized by Lasantha Bandara -

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Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.This theme is Bloggerized by Lasantha Bandara -

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Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.This theme is Bloggerized by Lasantha Bandara -

Is Email Marketing Still Effective?

I don't know about you, but I receive too many emails. I have begun taking advantage of the "unsubscribe" option to try to reduce the amount of clutter in my inbox. Does that mean that email as a marketing device has lost its usefulness?

Years ago, when I was just starting my consulting business, I used email to stay in touch with my clients and/or potential clients. I developed a list of email addresses from everyone who attended my seminars or who I met in the course of doing business. Every month (note - month, not day or even week) I would issue a short two or three paragraph tip about marketing, followed by my "signature". I received many compliments about my monthly communiques, and ultimately new business - either from the recipients or from their referrals to others. It was an effective way to establish myself and raise my profile.

I did this email marketing for about two or three years until too many others began to do the same thing. At the point where I felt my messages were getting drowned in a sea of other emails, I stopped. Why? If email is free and the opportunity to be in front of my prospects is very important, why would I abandon it?

First, email is not free. Every month I had to spend time - valuable time - crafting a new message. Email marketing is only as effective as the value of the message. If you don't have the time (or the skill) to send a useful message, don't bother. After a while, your recipients will decide your messages are not worth reading. Even if they do not "opt out", they may remove you from their approved senders list and your messages will go directly to spam. When/if that happens, your ability to communicate on more urgent matters is severely restrained.

Second, once email marketing became THE choice of marketers and small businesses everywhere, the inbox became too crowded. SPAM was born and even legitimate communications could be considered SPAM.

Third, email marketers have become so aggressive that, I think, they ultimately hurt more than help themselves. And that makes it difficult for those of us who tried to use this medium responsibly. I know I have even stopped contributing to causes in which I believe because daily emails asking for more money just became too annoying. If you do not know your recipients, you can not effectively communicate via email and thus are simply wasting your time.

So, here is what I recommend to anyone who wants to try, or continue to use, email marketing.
1. Keep your postings short, entertaining, and helpful.
2. Confine your frequency to no more than once every two weeks. Frequently enough to retain TOMA, yet not so frequent as to become a pest.
3. Encourage responses to engage your audience. Submit a poll, ask a pertinent question, request input on an issue.

Email marketing might be effective again, but only if you use it strategically.

Why Reputable SEO Firms Don't Promise Guaranteed Search Engine Rankings

Tonight, I received an email with a familiar question, asking why the top companies providing SEO consulting and development services rarely ever provide guarantees (and virtually never use it as a marketing tactic). Since the subject has been popping up of late, and since we're just emerging from the summer lull, I thought it was as worthy a time as any to address persistent concerns. Here are five solid reasons that compel SEOmoz as well as the many companies we work with/recommend to stay far away from any "guarantee" of search engine rankings.
Reason #1: SEO & Guarantees Have an Abominable History
From 1996 through to today, SEO scams have used "guaranteed rankings and traffic" as a slimy catchphrase to lure in gullible buyers with too-good-to-be-true promises. That association has stained the entire industry and repulsed even businesses that might consider using the "guarantee" label. Just look at some of the questionable messaging used by so-called SEO companies that employ this moniker:
(source) Our search engine optimization software comes with the latest link popularity and web site optimization tools for helping you achieve guaranteed ranking. Here is what the Internet's best search engine optimization software has to offer:
  • Link Popularity & Link Exchange Tools
  • Website Submission Software
Automated software for link exchanges and website submissions? If you've done ten minutes of due diligence into how SEO is practiced, you're well aware that these claims venture deep into the sort of tactics that haven't been effective in the last half-decade.
(source) $399 annual - Guaranteed fast listing on DMOZ, Netscape, Google, MSN, AltaVista, LYCOS, FAST, ASK/Temoa and 100+ other engines and portals! Trace your traffic and guarantee a higher position!
Not only is the listing and traffic guaranteed, it's guaranteed fast. I'm reminded of Homer Simpson's infamous utterance after a crayon is re-inserted into his brain: "Extended warranty? How can I lose?"
  • We guarantee to keep you on 1st-page results each month, or you don't pay for that month.
  • We guarantee to optimize your website for up to 100 different keyword phrases.
  • We guarantee to provide monthly reports that document all of your 1st-page positions.
Many of the SEO companies that do still guarantee rankings have taken the clever tack of guaranteeing a certain number of keywords that they themselves choose. In this fashion, they can select primarily non-competitive terms and have a fairly high rate of success. Whether those keyword rankings provide any serious traffic is another matter altogether.
The point doesn't need belaboring. Just as time shares have their "free" weekend getaways and used cars have high pressure salespeople, SEO has its own insidious, stereotyped marketing claims that legitimate providers avoid like the plague.
Reason #2: The Search Engines Expressly Warn Against It
I don't often reference Google's guidelines on search marketing, but since the page ranks so well for a variety of queries related to SEO and guarantees, it's virtually unavoidable if a client is performing research about your offerings. This line in particular stands alone:
No one can guarantee a #1 ranking on Google.
Even though the context is meant to put it in a slightly different context ("Beware of SEOs that claim to guarantee rankings, allege a "special relationship" with Google, or..."), the messaging comes through very clearly. If your potential clients have read on Google's website that guarantees are bogus, they're likely to carry that bias with them as they peruse what the market has to offer.
Reason #3: Rankings are Inherently Unstable
If I perform a search for "SEO Company" here in Seattle, then drive 3 hours south to Portland (or 3 hours north to Vancouver) and execute the same query, I'm likely to end up with a very different ordering of results; the same goes for if I were to log into my Google account and get personalized results or hit a different datacenter during the course of my querying. Many searchers have even had the odd experience of hitting refresh on a query and finding the results change or re-order.
Given the incongruous nature of ranking fluctuations and the fact that ranking in a particular position on a given machine at a single point in time says very little about the future or even the present, it's no wonder that savvy SEO firms stay away from the guarantee.
Reason #4: Rankings are a Poor Metric for Overall Performance
Rankings do not equal traffic. A great SEO campaign should be measured by the increase in search engine traffic and (if the contract also includes site optimization for conversions) the rate at which that traffic performs the desired actions on your site. Achieving rankings is (almost) always a means to an end and not the end itself (the one exception being reputation management campaigns).
If your patrons are seeking rankings for posterity or to boost their egos, they might not be the best choice of clients. Those clients who have a solid business model and great content or services to back it up want the kinds of qualified, interested visitors that come from search engines because they've expressed a desire that the website can fulfill. Yes - position #1 will generally get you more traffic than any other real estate in the search results, but plenty of campaigns we've seen and even some we've worked on have been sabotaged by an obsession with pure rankings.
The metric should always be traffic - increasing search traffic means the SEO is doing their job. Making the rankings of a few top phrases the priority above and beyond the overall search traffic means that goals are out of whack. Don't forget that 70% of search volume is in the tail of the demand curve - and there's usually a lot more low hanging fruit to be found therein.
Reason #5: Making Guarantees About Something You Cannot Control Carries Inherent Ethical Problems
Politicians constantly fall into the trap of making promises they cannot possibly deliver on. Luckily, since they've let people down since the dawn of government, we've set the bar relatively low. This isn't true, however, in the business world. If FedEx promises to deliver a package by tomorrow, that's a guarantee they can make because they control the means of delivery. On the flipside, if a camera-maker promises that all your pictures will come out beautiful, that's irresponsible - what if you decide to point your lens at Gary Busey?
This same principle applies to SEO.
What search engine optimization companies can & should guarantee is that they'll provide the best advice possible to help your site earn more traffic. They may even guarantee, after reviewing your site, that they can grow your search traffic by at least 10, 20, 30% or more (we've done this in the past, at least verbally, when we've seen sites that had incredible potential and extremely poor SEO practices). But, SEOs cannot control the search results the way FedEx can control shipping packages or Coca Cola can guarantee the taste of their beverage. The search engines alone are responsible for and privy to the rankings' methodologies.
In my personal opinion, there are times when I would be willing to gamble a large amount of money on the fact that we could achieve a certain ranking for a given keyword. However, that's not the same as a guarantee. A guarantee is a promise - a basic contract that necessarily creates an assumption of certainty by the deliverer to the recipient. Anytime you cheat on that logic and make a promise outside your sphere of direct control, you're walking on shaky ethical and business ground.

Thanks to the list above, I shy away from even using the word "guarantee" in relation to our consulting business. In reality, we do guarantee that our clients will be happy with our results (and so far, at least, we've made good on that promise), we do guarantee that if they implement our recommendations, search traffic will rise (but that's often a big "if"), and we do guarantee that our work won't put them at risk of penalties from the search engines. I think that these types of promises are perfectly acceptable to make - just stay away from guaranteed "search engine rankings." It's just asking for trouble.

حملة ميكروسوفت ضد جوجل scroogled

أعلنت  ميكروسوفت أن ليس لها أدنى استعداد لإيقاف حملتها الإعلانية ضد جوجل  و التي سمتها «  Scroogled »

وقد انتقدت إعلانات Scroogled في وقت سابق عملاق محركات البحث جوجل  لفوترة قوائم المنتجات ومسح رسائل البريد الإلكتروني الخاصة بالمستخدمين لإستهدافهم بالإعلانات المناسبة.

الغريب والمضحك في الامر ان الاعلانات تم رفعها ايضا على موقع يوتيوب والمملوك لشركة جوجل  وتقنيا جوجل تملك حساب محرك البحث الخاص  بميكروسوفت   bing على youtube  

شاهد اعلان ميكروسوفت ضد جوجل على youtube 

وهذا جزء من بيان شركة مايكروسوفت حول كيفية تواصل حملة Scroogled :
“وسوف تستمر حملة Scroogled  طالما تستمر غوغل بالتحايل على الناس. نحن نعرف أن جوجل لا تحب ظهور الحقائق. وقد أظهر الفصل الثاني من حملة توعية المستهلك أن الناس يهتمون بخصوصياتهم, و قد زار أكثر من 3.5 مليون شخص موقع، و وقع ما يقارب من 115 ألفا التماسا على النت لوقف جوجل من التجسس على علبهم بخدمة  Gmail.

الحقيقة وبناءا على تحليلي الشخصي فقد اتت الحملة بنتيجة سلبية ليس على جوجل كما كانت تأمل ميكروسوفت ولكن على ميكروسوفت وbing ففي كثير من التعليقات على مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي كانت ردود المستخدمين تدور حول طوروا منتجكم افضل من ان تهاجموا منافسكم بهذه الطريقة

وغير ذلك قد لا يستوعب المستخدم العادي حقيقة واهمية البيانات التي تمسح من خلال مواقع البحث والتي قد تكون تستخدمها مايكروسوفت ايضا

11 mistakes to avoid on your digital marketing resume (part 2)

By Bethany Simpson

Mistake No. 7: Over-focus on LinkedIn

Mistake No. 8: Be too full of yourself

When you make it to the interview, there's a question few people answer well. Here's one marketer's humble advice.

Mistake No. 9: Lie

Mistake No. 10: Ignore storytelling and ROI

Mistake No. 11: Don't be passionate

The 1 Thing a Business Leader Must Do to Succeed

Dave Kerpen

By Dave Kerpen CEO, Likeable Local, NY Times Best-Selling Author & Keynote Speaker

Sadly, 25% of businesses fail within their first year and an astonishing 70% of businesses fail within ten years. So, if you're thinking about starting a business or you've recently made the leap, how can you optimize your chances of success? What is the single most important factor in determining your success? I asked this question of 10 successful business leaders from the Young Entrepreneur Council, and their answers are below, followed by mine:
1. Build A Strong Leadership Team
We used to invest in technology. Then it was marketing. Then we woke up and realized it was all about the people. Bringing in the best, seasoned, Director/VP-level talent over the past 18 months has really helped the owners bring the company's goals back in focus. Do your systems, workflow and technology always need to be evolving? You bet. But at a certain point in company's growth, you will NEED an experienced leader helping you architect those things if you want to go to the next level. - Andrew LoosAttack
2. Have A Great Mindset
Your mindset drives so much in business: the risks you take, opportunities you pursue, challenges to tackle, confidence level and vision. The great thing is that even if you have doubts and fears now, your mindset can change and grow with you as an entrepreneur. The things that once terrified me are now easy to manage and I understand much better why entrepreneurship is an excellent avenue for personal growth and development! - Kelly AzevedoShe's Got Systems
3. Execute
Hands down, continuing to execute to accomplish your goals is the single most important factor in making your business a success. Without continual execution, businesses sink. However, executing on the right goals will not only keep you from sinking, it will help you excel. - Stacey FerreiraMySocialCloud
4. Have a Passion for Change
At Star Toilet Paper, we have a deep-seated yearning to change the world and that is what we are doing and will continue to do. Each and every week, we have a weekly email that we sign off with, "Let's change the world and disrupt the status quo." Having an internal team slogan like that really helps bring out the best in us and continues to fuel our passion. - Bryan SilvermanStar Toilet Paper
5. Create Value
Purchase decisions almost always come down to value --- customers must realize a benefit from working with your business. That can mean a multitude of things, such as cost savings, convenience, reliability, increased quality, etc. Effectively providing value is integral to the long-term success of your company; not only does it assist in retaining your current customers, but also provides the highest-quality referrals you can ask for when attempting to gain new business. - Charles Bogoian,Kenai Sports, LLC 
6. Work With Clients Who Share Your Beliefs
Being ourselves and working with companies who share our beliefs is everything. We believe design makes a difference and we look to work with companies who agree. We also work with companies who know the people inside the building are what counts. Working with companies with soul has been the key to our success. - Chuck Longaneckerdigital-telepathy

7. Focus
It's so tempting early on to chase after every interesting idea and business opportunity. Learning to say "no" or at least "not yet" is paramount to every entrepreneur's success. Focus on what's most important. Your customers and investors will thank you for it eventually. - Ryan BuckleyScripted, Inc.
8. Serve Your Customers
By providing your product or service in a fast, convenient, and friendly way, you'll establish your business as one built for the long term. Any unsatisfied customers should be compensated to ensure they'll still consider you for future business. Happy customers are everything. - Andrew SchrageMoney Crashers Personal Finance
9. Remain Unsatisfied
I am famous internally for saying "we're almost there" when referring to the business. The truth is that "there" is a constantly moving goal post. As a team, we have a positive but relentless and never-satisfied attitude, which in turn results in our company always pushing for better and never being complacent. - Lauren FrieseTalentEgg
10. Hire the Right People
I was telling my team just last week that regardless of how much we market or sell, if we don't create good products (in our case, websites), then we can't progress. It's people who create those sites, so hiring the best developers (or widget makers, or whoever makes your business succeed) is vital to keeping the engine of your business running. - Hassan BawabMagic Logix
These are the single most important things a leader must do to succeed in business according to ten successful young entrepreneurs. But wait - there are 10 different factors listed above! So which, in fact, is most important?
My answer to this question:
Focus is the single most important factor in determining your success as a business leader.
Focus means understanding what your priorities are in any given hour, day, month, quarter or year. Focus means knowing what's most important - product, service, hiring, fundraising, sales or innovation, and then concentrating on that one thing. Focus means knowing what's not as important in any given time period. Without focus, it's easy to wander - it's easy to become reactive instead of proactive - it's easy to fail. With focus and determination, you and your team will understand what's most important, and help you execute - to success. So that unlike that 70%, you can beat the odds and maintain a successful business over time.
Now it's your turn. How important do you think focus is for leaders in determining business success? How important do you think the other factors listed above are? What do YOU think is the single most important factor in determining whether a business succeeds or fails? Let me know in the Comments section below, please share this post with your network, and here's to your success!

11 mistakes to avoid on your digital marketing resume (part 1)

By Bethany Simpson

Mistake No. 1: Listing skills you don't excel in

Mistake No. 2: Forgetting relevant experience

Mistake No. 3: Mass-send your resume

Mistake No. 4: Ignoring the business's goals and strategies

Mistake No. 5: Not bringing your A-game

Mistake No. 6: Overuse the term "digital"