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التسويق الرقمي في 2013 وثورة التسويق عبر المحتوى

طبقا لاخر تقارير Econsultancy’s عملاق التسويق الرقمي  والشركة الرائدة في حلول التجارة الالكترونية  Responsys فإن التسويق الرقمي مستمر في استقطاع نسبة اكبر من ميزانية التسويق لدي الشركات والمؤسسات قبل ان تقرأ  هذا التقرير  وجب علي التنبيه ان التقرير جاء من وجهة نظر الشركات وليس وكالات الاعلان مما يدعم صحة ما جاء به بشكل كبير

يتضح هنا ان 71 % من الشركات قررت زيادة ميزانية التسويق الرقمي في عام 2013 و26 % قررت ابقائه كما هو اما 2 % من الشركات فقط قررت انه من الافضل تقليل الجزء الخاص به في الميزانية

اما هنا فيتضح لنا ان 70 % من الشركات قررت زيادة الاستثمار في التسويق عبر المحتوى وياتي في المرتبة الاولي من حيازة الاهتمام
ثم ياتي تحسين محركات البحث في المركز الثاني بنسبة 65 % ويتساوي معه التسويق عبر البريد الالكتروني

ماهو التسويق عبر المحتوى ؟
التسويق عبر المحتوى هو أحد أساليب التسويق الإلكتروني يقوم على خلق وتوزيع محتوى ذات صلة وقيمة من أجل جذب، إكتساب، والتواصل مع جمهور معيّن و محدد بوضوح ومفهوم، وذلك بهدف قيادتهم للقيام بإجراءات مربحة.

في جوهره، التسويق عبر المحتوى هو
  • خلق وتوزيع محتوى ذا صلة بشريحة من  الجمهور المستهدفة وواضحة المعالم، ومهيئة للانتشار على مستوي واسع في القنوات الرقمية المختلفة
كيف يختلف التسويق عبر المحتوى عن التسويق التقليدي؟
  •  تسويق المحتوى ينطوي على توفير معلومات قيّمة وحل المشاكل. انه ليس وسيلة  مباشرة لعرض مزايا وفوائد منتجاتك أو خدماتك.
  •  تسويق المحتوى ينطوي على خلق محتوى مجاني لأشخاص مهتمون بخدماتك و منتجاتك و قد يكونون على إستعداد لدفع المال للحصول عليه و لكن أنت تريد مشاركته.
  • تسويق المحتوى هو أكثر حول توفير أمثلة دراسات حالة وأقل عن توفير شهادات عملاء إستخدموا منتجاتك أو خدماتك، فقد أصبح المستهلكون ورجال الأعمال المشترين يشككون في الشهادات، لأنهم يعرفون أن بعض المسوّقين يدفعون المال للحصول عليها.
  • تسويق المحتوى هو تكتيك بعتمد أكثر على “سحب العميل” من “دفع العميل” للشراء.  بخلاف التسويق التقليدي،
  • أي دعوة للقيام بإجراءات معيّنة تكون بطريقة غير مباشرة، وتقدم فائدة إضافية للقارئ، مثل فرصة الحصول على معلومات إضافية مجاناً، أو الإنضمام في المناقشات و المحادثات، أو المشاركة عبر التصويت.
  • التسويق عبرالمحتوى يُسهَل على عملائك المستقبليين الإتصال بك عندما يكونون جاهزون. ليس الهدف منه إجبار العملاء على الإتصال بك الآن و فوراً بسبب عرض مميّز ما أو لتجنب  فقدان شيء ما، وإنما لحثهم على الإتصال بك عندما يكونون جاهزون للقيام بعملية الشراء

Why a B2B Marketer Should Think Like a B2C Marketer

  B2B marketers must educate extremely smart potential buyers, ensure that influencers are knowledgeable about their products, and ultimately convince people they should bet their jobs on choosing their products over those of competitors. Moreover, even while sticking to a limited marketing budget, B2B marketers must provide a hungry sales team with enough qualified leads to keep their pipelines full and their families fed.
How do they do it? The best B2B marketers are successful because they start with building a brand. In other words, the best B2B marketers think like business-to-consumer (B2C) marketers.

Think Like a B2C Marketer
The first step toward thinking like a B2C marketer is to create great brand recall. Let's say you're thirsty and you walk into a store that carries Coke and DMG-Cola. You immediately reach for the Coke because you know exactly how it will taste; it is the safe choice. However, if earlier that day you'd seen a banner ad that said "DMG-Cola—Tastes Like Coke, but 100% Organic!" you may well have tried the DMG-Cola. The DMG marketer who bought that banner ad had a simple goal—not to drive someone to make an immediate purchase but, rather, to create brand recall that would influence purchase decisions in the future.
Of course, applying this method to B2B marketing is more challenging, but it can work. First, to illustrate how much more complex the B2B marketer's challenge is, let's use the same example—but in a B2B context.
Your boss asked you to buy soda for a company party, so you go to the store and spot Coke and DMG-Cola on the shelf. Even if you had seen the banner ad marketing DMG-Cola, you'd still choose the Coke. Why? Simply because Coke is the less risky decision, and many purchase decisions in a business environment are made with the goal of minimizing risk. Nobody ever ruined a party by buying Coke, but if you showed up with DMG-Cola and your coworkers didn't like it, you'd take the blame for making a poor decision that had a negative impact on the company party.
So, what would the DMG marketer have to do to convince you, as the business buyer, to choose DMG-Cola instead of Coke?
  • First, she would have to build awareness of the DMG-Cola brand as in the above example.
  • Then, she would have to provide examples and testimonials of others who had thrown successful company parties with DMG-Cola. She might create whitepapers and host webinars highlighting the advantages of DMG-Cola vs. Coke and other competitors.
  • She would also have to influence executives at your company and your trusted peers outside the company, so they would recommend DMG-Cola around the water cooler.
  • Finally, she would have to ensure this information stayed top of mind, so you wouldn't fall back on the "safer path" of reaching for Coke next time you were tasked with planning a company party.
Smart B2B Marketing = B2C With a Twist
Of course, the previous example is simplistic, but that is essentially how B2B products are marketed and purchased every day.
The best B2B marketers think like B2C marketers—but with a twist. They understand building a memorable brand perception is critical, but they also understand...
  • Exactly who the buyer is and who or what influences the buyer
  • The key elements of a purchase decision and how to create messaging that addresses those elements
  • The content, best-practices, and case studies necessary to remove the risk of the decision
  • How to distribute messages and content to targeted decision makers, influencers, and peers with enough frequency to move the needle
And they do all that while staying within budget.
What tips can B2B marketers follow to start thinking more like their B2C colleagues? Here are five strategies B2B marketers can implement right away.
1. Create great brand recall
The first step in any B2B marketing campaign is to create brand messages and campaigns that will "stick with" potential buyers long after they see the ads or marketing messages. Get creative and try new messages and slogans to make your brand stand out from the crowd and target them specifically to your audiences. Finally, always be branding! Creating brand recall isn't a single campaign—it's an always-on tactic.
2. Know your audience
Thinking like a B2C marketer doesn't mean treating your audience like general consumers. Your audience is made up of business professionals looking to make the most economical, risk-averse, and high-value purchases for their companies. Always keep their needs and risks in mind when considering marketing strategies.
3. Use visuals to sell your product
People remember images long after they remember words. Make sure your campaigns are splashy, memorable, and interactive. Try using interactive banners, social ads, or videos to tell your brand story.
4. Maintain creative consistency
Trying new creative ideas is fine, but make sure they're consistent across all your marketing campaigns, including paid ads, social media, sales sheets, webinars, whitepapers, and your website. Synch your messaging across all media activities as you move buyers down the marketing funnel.
5. Be human
Your audience may be businesspeople, but that doesn't mean they are automatons who don't enjoy a good laugh or a personal touch. Make sure all your marketing materials speak to the human side of the business world. In a world where most B2B campaigns are boring, a more human touch will make your campaigns stand out.
* * *
So, next time you meet with your B2B marketer, give him a hug and say "I get it now!" B2B marketers have a rich, complex, and high-pressure job to do in a very dynamic and noisy world. Those who do it well are rewarded with outsized growth and shareholder value gains.

How to become a digital marketing professional?

BY Cláudio Torres

Every month people send me various emails asking me how to become a Digital Marketing Consultant or professional. Thus, I decided to write this post showing the steps to become a Digital Marketing Consultant or professional for those who are interested.
It is an undeniable fact that demand for digital marketing professionals have been increasing much more faster than the offer, and that many times the formal courses didn’t have the time to provide it. Added to that, other marketing, communication and publicity sectors, have been lowering their demand, making the professionals of these sectors to have an interest in migrate to the Digital Marketing.

Basic formation of a Digital Marketing professional

The professional that intends to work with Digital Marketing must have a superior formation (Marketing, Publicity, Communication, Engineering, or Administration). It is possible to become a professional without that formation, but the result can be temerarious. In the past, webdesigners and programmers got into the marketing without any specific formation. The fact is that Digital Marketing is Marketing, a science that comes from Administration, that comes from Engineering. Thus having an academic base in Marketing and Administration is fundamental to the best performance of the activities
From this basic formation the professional can develops. There’s no specific curriculum yet of the Digital Marketing professional, and the formal MBA and Post-graduation courses still doesn’t have a curricular schedule created by experience of the manager of each course. This way in many cases, even with a good Post or MBA the professional still finds it difficult to execute his tasks.
In the formation of a Digital Marketing professional you should worry in developing the following competencies:
  • Basic formation in Marketing.
  • Basic knowledge in Planning Methodology and Time Management.
  • Basic Knowledge in Negotiation and Presentation techniques.
  • Digital Marketing formation.
  • Digital Marketing Strategic Planning formation.
  • Basic technical formation based in each one of the Seven Digital Marketing Strategies.
  • Having a work methodology as Digital Marketing Manager or Consultant.
  • Developing a contact web in Digital Marketing.
  • Constant updating through books, articles and blogs.

Where to work with Digital Marketing

To better enjoy your interest in the digital marketing career, you should consider that that are three main positions that you could assume in this market: Digital Marketing Analyst, Digital Marketing Manager and Digital Marketing Consultant.
The Digital Marketing Analyst will work in a company or publicity agency doing digital marketing planning, creating digital marketing campaigns, and implementing these actions, and normally working with a bunch of outsourced (SEO companies, Social Media, Bloggers, Agencies, etc…). This is the most operational position, ideal for young people who wants to learn and obtain experience in this market, and a good path for those who seek a career transition.
The Digital Marketing Manager will work as a company Manager, being the main responsible for the digital marketing planning, the marks control, and the reports to the commercial or marketing Direction. Just like every manager position the ideal is that you already have experience in the market. Independently of your competence as a digital marketing professional, you’ll have to develop competencies in process and people management to perform well your activity.
The Digital Marketing Consultant is the professional that is external to the company or publicity agency, and can work in an independent way or related to consultancy, and that will help the company to develop the digital marketing planning, or the agency to create a digital marketing campaign. He’ll also be able to give digital marketing courses and lectures. This position have much more independence than the previous ones, but the professional must have the spirit of an entrepreneur, because beyond executing his activities, he’ll have to sell his services. This professional, besides acquiring knowledge on digital marketing, will have to create a constant update process, because he’s the company’s counselor, and have a work methodology, that goes beyond planning methodology and digital marketing actions.

Looking for a job in Digital Marketing

Once formed in Digital Marketing you’ll have a second challenge that is getting inside the market. According to the thinking line I developed until here, you first have to decide if you want to seek a position as a Digital Marketing Analyst or Manager or if you want to develop a career as a Digital Marketing Consultant.

One alternative does not exclude the other, but you’ll have to choose in which one of them you’ll begin so you can look for a job as a Digital Marketing professional.

Independently of your choice, your new position as a Digital Marketing professional will depend on a few basic steps. Create your curriculum at LinkedIn, including your specific Digital Marketing formation, an a profile on Facebook. Don’t wait anyone to take you seriously in the Digital Marketing market if you don’t have a solid presence in the Web. The ideal is that you create a Professional Blog (and connected to a Twitter), where you can publish articles connected to your Digital Marketing knowledge. That helps a lot in your exposition, and it is fundamental if your choice is to be a Digital Marketing Consultant.
Once created this base, do your own planning with The Seven Digital Marketing Strategies. Expose yourself. Participate in Facebook and LinkedIn groups, and the daily Buzz on Twitter.
If you want a job as a Digital Marketing Analyst or Manager, start making contacts and friendships, via Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn, with professionals from agencies and companies that already work in these positions. That will take you quickly to become known. Make it clear that you’re looking for an opportunity, and show your potential with the previous steps.
If you want to be a Digital Marketing Consultant, the first thing you need are clients. In this case, creating a planning with The Seven Digital Marketing Strategies and exposing yourself with your Blog, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook, is fundamental. Besides, getting in touch with agencies or consultancy, can be a good strategy.

The Four Types of Digital Marketer

Your company’s customer-centricity profile reveals the capabilities you need to succeed in digital media, as well as whether you are a leader, scholar, pioneer, or novice in this critical marketing field.

If you are the chief marketing officer (CMO) of a consumer-oriented business — for example, a food manufacturer or a retail bank with a credit card offering — your long-established efforts to reach customers may have come into question over the past few years.
Digital media have changed the advertising and marketing ecosystem; social networks, broadband infrastructure, and new forms of online and offline data collection have transformed the relationships among companies and their customers. But only a few CMOs have fully caught up with these trends. Most companies do not yet have the kinds of capabilities in digital marketing that they need in order to fully engage with customers today.
The term customer centricity is coming into broad use as a way to describe the new marketing orientation made possible by digital media (including, but not limited to, social networks). Under this new orientation, the primary unit of market engagement is no longer the product, the launch, the trade promotion, or the advertising campaign, but the end-to-end consumer experience. Consumers are engaged with the company and each other before, during, and after their purchase.
This requires a high level of integration, the ability to bring together multiple sources of content, data sources, capabilities, and product lines, and to continually refine segmentation approaches, platforms, and online content. This integration needs to cut across the consumer experience, creating a seamless digital marketing link between sales in physical stores and sales through e-commerce.
Nike Inc., for example, has invested heavily in both the media it creates and the media it shares with its consumers. On, consumers can find a continually evolving set of software and services generated by the apparel and footwear manufacturer (including training programs for use with interactive game machines such as Microsoft’s Kinect), as well as the new “FuelBand,” worn on the wrist to track and analyze daily movements. Consumers can also access a growing body of links to Facebook pages and Instagram pictures put up by others in the Nike community. Everything on the website is designed in harmony, so that the brand reinforces the idea that the company has the back of the amateur athletes who make up its core audience, and they in turn are regularly drawn back to the experience of not just wearing the products, but using them together.
In the process of developing its digital media strategy, Nike has dramatically lowered its spend on paid media. And by focusing its spending on its own media and socially shared media, the company has broadened and deepened the impact of its brand.
How far along this road is your company — and what capabilities does it need to compete successfully? Answering that question is the purpose of a self-guided, Web-based survey called the Digital Customer Centricity Profiler, recently launched by Booz & Company. The profiler focuses on relationships with consumers and potential consumers, and on companies’ facility (or lack of facility) in engaging them online along their full path to purchase. The profiler takes only about 10 to 15 minutes to complete. It asks about your company’s current practices in social media, data analytics, and e-commerce, and helps you gauge the potential of other practices, of which you may not have been aware. Then, on the basis of your answers and those of your peers (the answers themselves remain private), it classifies your company into one of four categories:
  • Leaders are a small but growing group of companies, including Nike, Burberry, 3M, Apple, L.L. Bean, and Coca-Cola, that have mastered the two main capabilities involved in maintaining an online presence: insights and analysis on the one hand, and platforms and activation on the other.

خرافات حول التسويق باستخدام مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي

هناك العديد من الخرافات  والقواعد الخاطئة في اذهان العملاء والشركات حول حساب العائد على الاستثمار من خلال التسويق باستخدام مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي في هذا المقال ساحاول تفنيدها

أولا (1) :  مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي لن تكلفنا  شئ 
صديقي دعني اقول لك الحقيقة مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي ليست مجانية
 نعم استخدامها في التسويق سيكلفك اقل بكثير من وسائل التسويق والاعلان الاخري لكنها ليست مجانية ابدا 
دعنا نناقش قانون العائد على الاستثمار 
Measuring Social Media ROI image ROIb 300x37 

العائد على الاستثمار= (إجمالي إيرادات الاستثمار– إجمالي تكاليف الاستثمار) \ إجمالي تكاليف الاستثمار

قد تجد ما ساقوله لك الان تحت بند رياضيات الصف الاول  لكنها على اي حال -تصور- الاثبات الرياضي لهذه الحالة  
صفر -صفر /صفر يساوي  ؟؟؟؟؟ ؟؟؟؟؟؟؟ بالطبع صفر
ثانيا (2): فقط اخبرنا ما نحتاج ان نقوم بقياسه من كل هذه الاحصائيات وسوف نقوم به
مثل الاولى دعني اخبرك بهذا اذا لم يكن لديك اهداف واضحة وقابلة للتحقيق لخطة تسويقك الرقمية فماذا ستقيس ؟ لا يوجد طريقة واحدة لقياس العائد على الاستثمار من التسويق باستخدام مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي راجع اهداف ورؤية الشركة العامة  وحدد اي من هذه الاهداف قد تستطيع مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي المساعدة على تحقيقها في الاغلب تساهم مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي في اقسام ( خدمة العملاء , المبيعات , العلاقات العامة , التسويق 
ثالثا (3):  سنكون شركة مواكبة للعصر اذا اصبح لدينا صفحة على الفيس بوك او حساب على تويتر
  صدق او لاتصدق لن تصل الي شئ ابدا من خلال صفحة فيس بوك وحساب تويتر
الحقيقة انك تحتاج لان تركز على الافراد لا علي الصفحات
ماهي القيم التي اوالسياسات التي وضعتها لموظفين التسويق الرقميين هل تتضمن قيم النزاهة والصبر في الرد على العملاء هل طورتهم بشكل كافي لكي يستطيعوا فهم المجتمع الرقمي هل لديهم الادوات والبرامج التي تستطيع  جمع العديد من مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي في واجهة واحدة هل لديهم ادوات او برمجيات متطورة لقياس ردود افعال العملاء على علامتك التجارية هل استثمرت بشكل كافي فى برامج التسويق الرقمي الحديثة؟
رابعا (4):فقط ضع المحتوي وانساه وسوف ينتشر وحده
التسويق الرقمي عموما والتسويق في مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي يختلف تماما عن طرق الاعلان العادية والتي تضع فيها اعلانا في احدى الشوارع او في قناة تليفزيونية وتنتظر ان يدق هاتف شركتك
مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي تتطلب نوع اكبر من الالتزام والتواجد سيتطلب منك الوقت الكافي لبناءمجتمع رقمي قوي وسيتطلب منك الالتزام بالتواجدوالرد والتحدث مع عملائك بشكل متواصل   
 خامسا (5): لدينا موقع الكتروني جيد مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي للترفيه  الحقيقة ان عصر الموقع الالكتروني الجيد قد ولي موقعك الاكتروني يعتبر كاصل من اصولك الرقمية اما مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي فهيا السوق ذاته حيث تحتوي على منافذ البيع ( صفحة او حساب العلامة التجارية )و تحتوي ايضا على العملاء