Nearly ten years ago Lego introduced its first blind-bagged collectible minifigures. More are on the way next year, and it looks like the first to hit store shelves will be based on the DC Universe.
Nothing official has been announced yet, but that’s what a source familiar with Lego’s plans relayed to the crew over at Brick Fanatics. It’s believed that the DC minifig series will launch in January.
It certainly seems like a strong possibility. Lego launched the first series of figures based on the Lego Batman Movie on January 1, 2017. The second Batman series debuted exactly one year later.
That should take care of the when, now what about the who? Gizmodo chimed in with in with the details on that front.
There are sixteen names on the rumored roster. One of the most interesting is Lego’s latest take on the Caped Crusader. They’ve already created scores of different Batman minfigs, so they went all the way back to 1939 — Batman’s first appearance in Detective Comics — for their inspiration this time around.
Other interesting characters from DC’s storied past include the Jay Garrick Flash and a Silver Age Wonder Woman. Lego has also done up a couple of classic supervillains: Sinestro and Cheetah.
Rounding out the set are Aquaman, Bat Mite, Huntress, Metamorpho, Mister Miracle, Rebirth Superman, Simon Baz Green Lantern, The Joker, and a pair of Teen Titans minifigs: Cyborg and Bumblebee.
Now, as always, you have to take all this with a grain of salt. These rumors could be right on the mark or they could be way off. We won’t know for sure until Lego themselves offer up the official details.
Hopefully those will be coming soon. It’s always nice to have a little advanced notice when your Lego budget requires a bit of re-tooling.
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